File #: 202500328    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed Emergency
File created: 2/24/2025 In control: Cincinnati City Council
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action: 3/5/2025
ORD/RES# date: 3/5/2025 ORD/RES#: 0048-2025
Title: ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Vice Mayor Kearney, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, DECLARING that the intersection of Race Street and Liberty Street in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood shall hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of "Jim Scott Way" in honor of Jim Scott, and in recognition of his many years of volunteer service to the Findlay Market Opening Day Parade and his legacy of giving, volunteering, and spreading joy.
Sponsors: Jan-Michele Kearney
Attachments: 1. Transmittal, 2. Resolution, 3. 48-2025, 4. 48-2025 T


ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Vice Mayor Kearney, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, DECLARING that the intersection of Race Street and Liberty Street in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood shall hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of “Jim Scott Way” in honor of Jim Scott, and in recognition of his many years of volunteer service to the Findlay Market Opening Day Parade and his legacy of giving, volunteering, and spreading joy.
