MOTION, dated 09/09/2021, submitted by Councilmember Sundermann, Keating and Kearney, WE MOVE that the Administration immediately create and fund with FY21 carryover funds a new Senior Administrative Specialist position to serve as a fulltime Cincinnati Police Wellness Coordinator, who will implement and manage a department-wide program to address mental and physical health in law enforcement, and which is correlated to overall improvement in employee health and performance as well as a reduction in sick leave, on-duty injuries, turnover and discipline. WE FUTHER MOVE that funding for the position should come from a portion of the FY21 carryover funds and subsequently be included in future city budgets. The annual cost of funding a Senior Administrative Specialist with benefits is approximately $125,000 The program already unofficially underway should be fully implemented effective October 1, 2021, at a partial year cost of $93,000 for this fiscal year.