File #: 202500267    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed Emergency
File created: 2/14/2025 In control: Cincinnati City Council
On agenda: 2/26/2025 Final action: 2/26/2025
ORD/RES# date: 2/26/2025 ORD/RES#: 0036-2025
Title: ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ESTABLISHING the City's human services funding priorities for the first year of the biennial budget, beginning with FY 2026, the second year of the biennial budget (budget update), beginning with FY 2027, and subsequent budgets and fiscal years; ESTABLISHING a human services funding Impact Award for one large-scale social innovation project to be awarded only in the first year of the biennial budget, and a revised multi-year funding cycle for all human services funding; ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati ("United Way") and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that Council's priorities for FY 2026 and FY 2027 are to allocate up to ten percent of appropriated human services funding for the Impact Award; 26 percent for Comprehensive Workforce Development Support; 26 percent for Youth Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction; 26 perce...
Sponsors: Meeka Owens
Attachments: 1. Transmittal, 2. Ordinance, 3. 36-2025, 4. 36-2025 T


ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ESTABLISHING the City’s human services funding priorities for the first year of the biennial budget, beginning with FY 2026, the second year of the biennial budget (budget update), beginning with FY 2027, and subsequent budgets and fiscal years; ESTABLISHING a human services funding Impact Award for one large-scale social innovation project to be awarded only in the first year of the biennial budget, and a revised multi-year funding cycle for all human services funding; ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati (“United Way”) and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that Council’s priorities for FY 2026 and FY 2027 are to allocate up to ten percent of appropriated human services funding for the Impact Award; 26 percent for Comprehensive Workforce Development Support; 26 percent for Youth Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction; 26 percent for Supporting, Securing, and Stabilizing Housing for High-Risk Populations; ten percent for Emergency Wrap-Around Services through Project LIFT; and two percent for overhead; ADVISING the United Way and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that applications that have previously applied directly to the City for Leveraged Support funding in the categories of Homelessness and Eviction Prevention, Human Services and Violence Prevention, or Workforce Programming and Poverty Reduction, should instead apply for human services funding; and ADVISING the United Way and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that future Impact Awards categories will be determined by Council for the first year of each biennial budget.
