MOTION, (AMENDED), submitted by Councilmember Kearney, Goodin and Sundermann, WE MOVE that the Administration REPORT on a viable source of funding for the $300,000 needed for the Department of Transportation and Engineering to install a high friction surface at the curve in the road need the 2200 block of Harrison Avenue in June 2022. WE MOVE that the ordinance language be amended to include and additional $69,000 for the purpose of fulfilling the administration's proposed "recommended countermeasures." The additional countermeasures to the ordinance are as follows: $2,000 for the purpose of "Improved Streetlighting." This would allow DOTEE to add a new light pole to the street. $1,000 for "Additional Signage" to be installed to help drivers navigate the roadway. $1,000 to replace existing signage with new higher reflective signage. This upgraded/updated signage countermeasures totals $2,000. $15,000 for the purpose of restriping road markings to improve visibility, $50,000 for "Ra...
1. Motion, 2. Attachment, 3. Amendment