ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 6/23/2022, AUTHORIZING the transfer and return to source Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 469 of the sum of $1,075,061.50 from American Rescue Plan grant project account no. 469x101xARP050, "FY 2021 COVID Expenses," for the purpose of realigning sources with actual uses; ESTABLISHING new Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 469 American Rescue Plan grant project accounts according to the attached Schedule of Appropriations for the purpose of providing funds to support various programs and activities; AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of the sum of $1,075,061.50 from the unappropriated surplus of Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 469 to the newly established and existing Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 469 American Rescue Plan grant project accounts according to the attached Schedule of Appropriations for the purpose of providing funds to support various programs and activities; and DECLARING expenditures from the American Rescue Pl...