ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 5/3/2023, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x232311, "Transportation Safety Action Plan Grant," to provide grant resources to conduct a transportation safety action plan ("TSAP") to prevent deaths and serious injuries on City of Cincinnati roadways; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate a grant in an amount of up to $250,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program (ALN 20.939) to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x232311, "Transportation Safety Action Plan Grant," to conduct a TSAP to prevent deaths and serious injuries on City of Cincinnati roadways; and AUTHORIZING the City Manager to enter into any agreements necessary for the receipt and administration of these grant resources.