ORDINANCE submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 9/3/2024, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x252304, "Oakley Pedestrian Safety Improvements TIF," to provide resources for the installation of a raised crosswalk and three speed cushions along Madison Road and Brotherton Road as part of the City's Vision Zero/Traffic Calming Program; AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of $425,000 from the unappropriated surplus of Oakley Equivalent Fund 499 to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x252304, "Oakley Pedestrian Safety Improvements TIF," to provide resources for the installation of a raised crosswalk and three speed cushions along Madison Road and Brotherton Road; and DECLARING that the described installation of pedestrian safety and traffic calming infrastructure along Madison Road and Brotherton Road constitute a "Public Infrastructure Improvement" (as defined by Section 5709.40(A)(8) of the Ohio Rev...