MOTION, submitted by Councilmembers Jeffreys, Harris and Owens, WE MOVE that, the Administration provide a report back to Council within ninety (90) days with a feasibility analysis of Council pre-authorizing all necessary legislative items that are directly associated with PACE financing as well as a potential framework by which the Administration can evaluate future PACE deals administratively. WE FURTHER MOVE that, the Administration also report back to Council with a feasibility analysis of allowing for more than one program administrator to support PACE deals in the city as well as any metrics the City can use to evaluate future program administration. WE FURTHER MOVE that, the Administration outline: 1) Cincinnati's and Hamilton County's current fee structures as it relates to PACE, 2) how much revenue the City's fees generate annually, and 3) how Cincinnati's and Hamilton County's fee structures compares to other peer cities and counties. (STATEMENT ATTACHED).