File #: 202500189    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: Cincinnati City Council
On agenda: 2/20/2025 Final action: 2/20/2025
ORD/RES# date: 2/20/2025 ORD/RES#: 0028-2025
Title: ORDINANCE submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/5/2025, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x252356, "Montana Avenue OPWC Grant," to provide Ohio Public Works Commission ("OPWC") grant resources to rehabilitate Montana Avenue; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate grant resources of up to $2,350,000 from OPWC to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x252356, "Montana Avenue OPWC Grant"; AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit OPWC grant resources of up $2,350,000 in OPWC grant resources into capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x252356, "Montana Avenue OPWC Grant"; and AUTHORIZING the City Manager to enter into any agreements necessary for the receipt and administration of these grant resources.
Sponsors: City Manager
Attachments: 1. Transmittal, 2. Ordinance, 3. 28-2025 T, 4. 28-2025


ORDINANCE submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/5/2025, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x252356, “Montana Avenue OPWC Grant,” to provide Ohio Public Works Commission (“OPWC”) grant resources to rehabilitate Montana Avenue; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate grant resources of up to $2,350,000 from OPWC to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x252356, “Montana Avenue OPWC Grant”; AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit OPWC grant resources of up $2,350,000 in OPWC grant resources into capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x252356, “Montana Avenue OPWC Grant”; and AUTHORIZING the City Manager to enter into any agreements necessary for the receipt and administration of these grant resources.
