ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 8/5/2020, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Property Sale and Development Agreement with 2600 Apartments LLC for the sale, at fair market value, of City-owned real property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Short Vine and Corry Streets in the Corryville neighborhood of Cincinnati, for assemblage with the purchaser's adjoining property in connection with the construction of a mixed-use commercial and residential development; ESTABLISHING new capital improvement project account no. 980x162x211641, "DCED Property Improvements" for the purpose of providing resources for permanent improvements to vacant buildings and properties controlled or previously controlled by the Department of Community and Economic Development; and further, DECLARING expenditures from capital improvement program project account no. 980x162x211641, "DCED Property Improvements," to be for a public purpose.