ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) (VERSION C) submitted by Councilmember Sundermann, from Andrew W. Garth, Interim City Solicitor, TO SUBMIT to the electors of the City of Cincinnati an amendment to the Charter of the City to provide for the suspension of members of City Council upon the filing of an indictment or the filing of certain criminal charges related to conduct in the performance of City Council duties, but before a conviction; to provide for the removal of members of City Council upon the conviction of or guilty plea to certain criminal charges related to conduct in the performance of City Council duties; to require ethics training for council members within 60 days of taking the oath of office; to prohibit council members from revising their successor designation certificates subsequent to being indicted for a state or federal felony related to conduct in the performance of City Council duties; and to clarify details regarding successor designation certificates, by amending Section 4b ...