MOTION, submitted by Councilmember Goodin, Vice Mayor Smitherman, Councilmember Sundermann, Keating and Kearney, During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cincinnati workers have adopted remote working at an amazing pace. Many routine office activities have been replaced by video conferencing and digital access to documents. While these innovations have kept our economy moving, they also present a looming crisis for Ohio's cities. More than 70 percent at Cincinnati's revenue is derived from its earning tax, and a significant portion of that percentage is derived from non-City residents who formerly worked in downtown offices. Recent litigation and potential legislation have called into question our ability to tax those workers in the long term. These actions notwithstanding, many businesses may simply choose to close their offices or reduce their physical footprint in the City, thus shrinking the tax base over time. Accordingly, WE MOVE that the Administration prepare a report outlining the loss i...