MOTION, submitted by Councilmembers Jeffreys and Owens, WE MOVE that, the Administration pause work on the Central Parkway bike lane extension as a shared use path from Marshall Street to Ludlow Avenue and provide a report within thirty (30) days on the cost, design, and feasibility of continuing the Central Parkway bike lane north from its current northern terminus at Marshal Avenue with three options: (1) its current design structure as a protected bike lane; (2) a design as protected bike lane along the entire extension with a tree and/or grass median; (3) a design as a protected bike lane with a tree and/or grass median along only portions of it. WE FURTHER MOVE that, in that report the Administration outline alternative uses for the already approved funding to extend the Central Parkway protected bike lane downtown to major employers and to the riverfront and the Oasis Trail and potential ways to ensure that OKI funding can be utilized. WE FURTHER MOVE that, this already approved ...