Meeting Name: Cincinnati City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 9/10/2020 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Room 300
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
202001494 11.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Jasmin Williams-Holston to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001502 12.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Lauren DeGoricia to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001504 13.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Yvonne Gutapfel to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001505 14.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Ann Hill to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001506 15.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Karl Maritato to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001507 16.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Ron Schultz to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001508 17.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Jim Tomaszewski to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001510 18.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Anne DeLyons to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001511 19.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Vickie Jackson to the Animal Task Force for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001512 110.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Wanda Spivey to the Citizen Complaint Authority Board for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001514 111.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Tracey Johnson to the Citizen Complaint Authority Board for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001516 112.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Erica Winstead to the Cincinnati Retirement System Board of Trustees for a term of four years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001517 113.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Jasmin Williams-Holston to the Cincinnati Retirement System Board of Trustees for a term of four years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001519 114.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Constance Hill to the Cincinnati Elections Commission for a term of four years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001521 115.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Melissa Walton-Jones to the Internal Audit Committee for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001522 116.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Latisha Douglas-Glynn to the Internal Audit Committee for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001520 117.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Maurice Stewart to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001518 118.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Leslie Rich to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001515 119.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Lauren LaCerda Merten to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/White)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001513 120.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint La’Shaunda Ewing to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001509 121.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Mia Sears to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001503 122.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Karlyn Wade-Richardson to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001486 123.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Kristin Goins to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA)Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202001464 124.MotionMOTION, submitted by Councilmember Kearney, WE MOVE for the City Administration to deliver a report to City Council regarding the feasibility of implementing a two-way protected bike lane on Clifton Avenue, in response to the recent request (see attached) from Clifton Town Meeting, WE FURTHER MOVE for this report to be delivered within 14 days following passage of this motion.Referred to Neighborhoods Committee  Action details Not available
202001476 125.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Councilmember Landsman, WE MOVE that City Council hereby appoints Valarie Boykins to the Internal Audit Committee for a two-year term ending on September 30, 2022. Ms. Boykins represents the Democratic Party appointment per the requirements of Article II, Section 15 of the Administrative Code. (Female/AA)Referred to Major Projects & Smart Government Committee  Action details Not available
202001483 126.MotionMOTION, submitted by Councilmember Pastor and Councilmember Seelbach, WE MOVE that the Department of Transportation and Engineering study the feasibility of a “road diet” on Linn Street in the West End from Central Parkway to West Court Street for the purpose of increasing the pedestrian character and walkability of this corridor thereby furthering the safety of the neighborhood and the potential for future development. The Administration shall report on this study by January 1, 2021.Referred to Neighborhoods Committee  Action details Not available
202001454 127.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by Vice Mayor Smitherman, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, DECLARING that Oak Street at May Street shall hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of Bennington-Seiffert Memorial Way, in memory of Cincinnati Police Officer Dennis Bennington and in recognition of his service to the City of Cincinnati.Referred to Neighborhoods Committee  Action details Not available
202001455 128.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by Vice Mayor Smitherman, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, DECLARING that Oak Street at May Street shall hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of Bennington-Seiffert Memorial Way, in memory of Cincinnati Police Officer Robert Seiffert and in recognition of his service to the City of Cincinnati.Referred to Neighborhoods Committee  Action details Not available
202001299 129.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 9/10/2020, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Grant of Easement in favor of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., granting a utility easement over a portion of City-owned property generally located at 1600 Gest Street in the Lower Price Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001444 130.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, dated 9/10/2020, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, appointing Luke Blocher to the Board of Building Appeals. (Male/White)ConfirmedPass Action details Not available
202001445 131.ReportREPORT, dated 9/10/2020, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, regarding FY 2020 Carryover to FY 2021.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001447 232.ReportREPORT, dated 9/10/2020, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, regarding Department of Finance Reports for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020 (unaudited).Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001448 133.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 9/10/2020, AUTHORIZING the payment of $7,152.91 as a moral obligation to the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio for services provided to the City as part of the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence related to the continued and uninterrupted deployment of Community Engagement Specialists to targeted neighborhoods affected by gun violence.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001449 134.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 9/10/2020, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant from the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in the amount of $12,750 for the purpose of providing funding in support of Hirsch Recreation Community Programming to increase the programming capacity of the Hirsch Recreation Center for members of the Avondale community; and further AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the donated funds in Fund 319, “Contributions for Recreation Purposes.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001450 135.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 9/10/2020, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant from the National Recreation and Parks Association Summer Meals Support Program in the amount of $10,000 to provide emergency funding relief to support sustained operations of meal programs that have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the summer of 2020; and further AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the donated funds in Fund 319, “Contributions for Recreation Purposes.”Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001451 136.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 9/10/2020, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate monetary donations from the Cincinnati Recreation Foundation on behalf of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in an amount up to $15,000 for the purpose of providing financial resources for Cincinnati Recreation Commission’s summer camp activities for youth and families; SALT Ministries in the amount of $3,200 for the purpose providing financial resources in the form of swim admission passes for Avondale community youth to swim at Hirsch Recreation Center Pools; the Rock By the Sea in the amount of $5,000 for the purpose of providing financial resources for Avondale community youth to swim at Hirsch Recreation Center Pool; and the Avondale Development Corporation in the amount of $4,000 for the purpose of providing financial resources for the Avondale Community youth to attend Cincinnati Recreation Commission summer camp activities; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the donated funds in Fund 319, “Contributions for RecreatReferred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001452 137.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 9/10/2020, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant of up to $253,800 from the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, FY 2020 Local Solicitation (CFDA #16.738); and further AUTHORIZING the City Manager to appropriate the grant proceeds in the total amount of up to $253,800 for purposes of funding the Police Visibility Overtime Program, the Sexual Assault Advocate Program contract with Women Helping Women, and Hamilton County Pre-Trial Services.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202001484 138.CommunicationCOMMUNICATION, submitted by the Clerk of Council, from various citizens regarding Public Speaking emails for September 8 - September 10, 2020.Filed  Action details Not available
202000985 139.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, Interim City Manager, on 8/5/2020, MODIFYING the salary range schedule for the classification of Public Employees Assistance Program Coordinator by amending existing Section 219 of Division 0, Chapter 307 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code, in order to establish a new salary range schedule for Public Employees Assistance Program Coordinator.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202001527 140.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Councilmember Sundermann, WE MOVE that City Council hereby reappoints Vale Croxton to the Internal Audit Committee for a two-year term ending on January 25, 2022. Mr. Croxton represents the Republican Party appointment per the requirements of Article II, Section 15 of the Administrative Code. (Male/White)Referred to Major Projects & Smart Government Committee  Action details Not available
202000925 141.OrdinanceORDINANCE, (B VERSION), Submitted by Councilmember Seelbach from Paula Boggs Muething, City Solicitor, MODIFYING Title VIII, “Business Regulations,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by enacting new Chapter 802, “Regulation of Plastic and Paper Bags,” to restrict the distribution of single use bags by food service establishments and restaurants in the City of Cincinnati in order to reduce waste, litter, and pollution; improve the appearance of the urban environment; and preserve the natural environment; and AMENDING Title XV. “Code Compliance and Hearings,” Section 1501-4, “Class A1 Civil Offenses,” and Section 1501-7, “Class C Civil Offenses,” to incorporate the regulation of single use bags into existing civil offense compliance and hearing processes.PassedPass Action details Not available
202000925 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE, (B VERSION), Submitted by Councilmember Seelbach from Paula Boggs Muething, City Solicitor, MODIFYING Title VIII, “Business Regulations,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by enacting new Chapter 802, “Regulation of Plastic and Paper Bags,” to restrict the distribution of single use bags by food service establishments and restaurants in the City of Cincinnati in order to reduce waste, litter, and pollution; improve the appearance of the urban environment; and preserve the natural environment; and AMENDING Title XV. “Code Compliance and Hearings,” Section 1501-4, “Class A1 Civil Offenses,” and Section 1501-7, “Class C Civil Offenses,” to incorporate the regulation of single use bags into existing civil offense compliance and hearing processes.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available