| 1 | 1. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor Aftab Pureval, I hereby appoint Chaka Powell to the Workforce Council of Southwest Ohio Board of Directors for a term of two years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA). | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Reappointment | REAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor Aftab Pureval, I hereby reappoint Pradeep Bekal to the board of the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority for a term of four years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/ A) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Reappointment | REAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor Aftab Pureval, I hereby reappoint Ashlee Young, MPH to the Cincinnati Board of Health for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/AA) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | Reappointment | REAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor Aftab Pureval, I hereby reappoint Jennifer W. Forrester, MD to the Cincinnati Board of Health for a term of three years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Female/White) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor Aftab Pureval, I hereby appoint Greg Long as the City’s representative to the Hamilton County Transportation Improvement District. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/White) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Vice Mayor Kearney, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, DECLARING that the intersection of Race Street and Liberty Street in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood shall hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of “Jim Scott Way” in honor of Jim Scott, and in recognition of his many years of volunteer service to the Findlay Market Opening Day Parade and his legacy of giving, volunteering, and spreading joy. | Referred to Healthy Neighborhoods Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | Resolution | RESOLUTION, submitted by Vice Mayor Kearney and Councilmembers Parks, Albi, Cramerding, Jeffreys, Johnson, Owens, and Walsh, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, RECOGNIZING Annie Ruth Napier as a 2025 Black History Month honoree and EXPRESSING the appreciation of the Mayor and the Council of the City of Cincinnati for her years of dedication and service to the Black Community and to the City of Cincinnati. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Resolution | RESOLUTION, submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, RECOGNIZING Yolande Cornelia “Nikki” Giovanni Jr. as a 2025 Black History Month honoree and EXPRESSING the appreciation of the Mayor and Council for her bold unapologetic activism and support of the Black community. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | Resolution | RESOLUTION, submitted by Councilmember Walsh, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, RECOGNIZING Miles Robinson as a 2025 Black History Month honoree and EXPRESSING the appreciation of the Mayor and the Council of the City of Cincinnati for his leadership and commitment to using his platform for positive impact both on and off the field. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE, submitted by Councilmember Jeffreys, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, MODIFYING Chapter 723, “Streets and Sidewalks, Use Regulations,” by ORDAINING new Section 723-77, “Trespass in a Designated Bus Rapid Transit Zone,” and by AMENDING Section 723-26, “Designated Streetcar Transit Zone,” to promote the safe and efficient operation of a bus rapid transit system in the public right-of-way. | Referred to Public Safety & Governance Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Motion | MOTION, submitted by Councilmembers Owens, Nolan, and Walsh, WE MOVE that the Administration prepare a report within the next 30 days to devise a strategy for protecting native plant/pollinator gardens in the City of Cincinnati. (STATEMENT ATTACHED) | Referred to Climate, Environment & Infrastructure Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Douglas Walton to the Environmental Advisory Board for a term of three years from January 1, 2025. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (MALE, BIPOC) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Monica Perdomo to the Environmental Advisory Board for a term of three years from January 1, 2025. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (FEMALE, BIPOC) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Nayana Shah to the Environmental Advisory Board to complete the current term ending in December 2026. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (FEMALE, BIPOC) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Dave Schmitt to the Environmental Advisory Board for a term of three years from January 1, 2025. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (MALE, WHITE) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Ericka Copeland to the Environmental Advisory Board for a term of three years from January 1, 2025. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (FEMALE, BIPOC) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Van Sullivan to the Environmental Advisory Board to complete the current term ending in December 2025. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (TRANS NONBINARY, WHITE) | Confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18. | Appointment | APPOINTMENT submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/20/2025, recommending the appointment of Emmy Schroder to the Environmental Advisory Board to complete a three year term from January 1, 2025. This appointment is submitted to the City Council for its approval. (Female, White) | Held one week pursuant to rule of council | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025 submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for Sete LLC, DBA Feys Supermarket, 3441 Beekman Street 1st fl. (#8007021, C1 C2 D6, Stck) [Objections: None] | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025 submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for Good Wares Design LLC, DBA High St, 1401 Reading Road. (#3306614, TFOL, D1 D2 D3) [Objections: Yes] | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025 submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for Drunken Amigos LLC, DBA Drunken Tacos, 200 W McMillan. (#2317524, TRFO, D5 D6) [Objections: None] | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025, submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding Special Event Permit Application for Pumpkin Chuck 2025. | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025, submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding Special Event Permit Application for Taking Drug Court Beyond the Steps of the Courthouse. | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025, submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding Special Event Permit Application for Heart Mini Marathon 2025. | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25. | Report | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025, submitted Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding Capital Projects Funding Request. (Reference Document #202500204) | Referred to Budget & Finance Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/26/2025, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant of up to $298,869 from the Ohio Department of Health Get Vaccinated OHIO Public Health Initiative (ALN 93.268) to support activities that will increase immunization rates in children under two years of age, school-aged children, and adolescents; and AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to receive and deposit the grant resources into Public Health Research Fund revenue account no. 350x8556. | Referred to Budget & Finance Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 27. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/26/2025, ESTABLISHING the salary schedules and classification titles for the classifications of Behavioral Health Specialist and Supervising Behavioral Health Specialist by enacting Sections 297 and 298 of Division 0C, Chapter 307 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code, consistent with the organizational changes described herein. | Referred to Public Safety & Governance Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 28. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/26/2025, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept up to $250,000 from the Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”), through the Areas of Persistent Poverty Grant Program (ALN 20.505), to provide resources for improvements and upgrades to Streetcar technology, station displays, and transit management software; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to appropriate up to $250,000 from the FTA, through the Areas of Persistent Poverty Grant Program, to General Government Grants Fund 404, effective FY 2026; AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit the grant resources into General Government Grants Fund 404 revenue account no. 404x8554, Department of Transportation and Engineering project account no. AOPP, “Areas of Persistent Poverty Grant”; and AUTHORIZING the City Manager to transfer and appropriate of $27,778 from the unappropriated surplus of Streetcar Operations Fund 455 to Streetcar Operations Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 455x236x7200 to provide local matching resources for the FTA Areas of Persistent | Referred to Budget & Finance Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 29. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 2/26/2025, APPROVING the revised Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan for the Connector as recommended by the streetcar’s Accountable Executive and Chief Safety Officer. | Referred to Climate, Environment & Infrastructure Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 30. | Ordinance | REPORT, dated 2/26/2025, submitted Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding traffic enforcement. (Reference Document #202402419) | Referred to Public Safety & Governance Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 31. | Registration | REGISTRATION, submitted by the Clerk of Council from Legislative Agent Bobbi Dillon, Procter & Gamble Company, Senior Manager, 1 P&G Plaza, C9-247, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. (PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY) | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 32. | Motion | MOTION, submitted by Councilmember Jeffreys, WE MOVE that the Administration share a plan within 60 days for benchmarking Development Performance Measures or other regional peer cities (e.g. Blue Ash, Florence, Norwood). (BALANCE ON FILE IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE) (STATEMENT ATTACHED) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 33. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ESTABLISHING the City’s human services funding priorities for the first year of the biennial budget, beginning with FY 2026, the second year of the biennial budget (budget update), beginning with FY 2027, and subsequent budgets and fiscal years; ESTABLISHING a human services funding Impact Award for one large-scale social innovation project to be awarded only in the first year of the biennial budget, and a revised multi-year funding cycle for all human services funding; ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati (“United Way”) and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that Council’s priorities for FY 2026 and FY 2027 are to allocate up to ten percent of appropriated human services funding for the Impact Award; 26 percent for Comprehensive Workforce Development Support; 26 percent for Youth Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction; 26 percent for Supporting, Securing, and Stabilizing Housing for High-Risk Populations; ten percent for Emer | Passed Emergency | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ESTABLISHING the City’s human services funding priorities for the first year of the biennial budget, beginning with FY 2026, the second year of the biennial budget (budget update), beginning with FY 2027, and subsequent budgets and fiscal years; ESTABLISHING a human services funding Impact Award for one large-scale social innovation project to be awarded only in the first year of the biennial budget, and a revised multi-year funding cycle for all human services funding; ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati (“United Way”) and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that Council’s priorities for FY 2026 and FY 2027 are to allocate up to ten percent of appropriated human services funding for the Impact Award; 26 percent for Comprehensive Workforce Development Support; 26 percent for Youth Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction; 26 percent for Supporting, Securing, and Stabilizing Housing for High-Risk Populations; ten percent for Emer | Emergency clause to remain | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ESTABLISHING the City’s human services funding priorities for the first year of the biennial budget, beginning with FY 2026, the second year of the biennial budget (budget update), beginning with FY 2027, and subsequent budgets and fiscal years; ESTABLISHING a human services funding Impact Award for one large-scale social innovation project to be awarded only in the first year of the biennial budget, and a revised multi-year funding cycle for all human services funding; ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati (“United Way”) and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that Council’s priorities for FY 2026 and FY 2027 are to allocate up to ten percent of appropriated human services funding for the Impact Award; 26 percent for Comprehensive Workforce Development Support; 26 percent for Youth Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction; 26 percent for Supporting, Securing, and Stabilizing Housing for High-Risk Populations; ten percent for Emer | Suspension of the three readings | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ESTABLISHING the City’s human services funding priorities for the first year of the biennial budget, beginning with FY 2026, the second year of the biennial budget (budget update), beginning with FY 2027, and subsequent budgets and fiscal years; ESTABLISHING a human services funding Impact Award for one large-scale social innovation project to be awarded only in the first year of the biennial budget, and a revised multi-year funding cycle for all human services funding; ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati (“United Way”) and any organization assisting the City with evaluating human services funding applications that Council’s priorities for FY 2026 and FY 2027 are to allocate up to ten percent of appropriated human services funding for the Impact Award; 26 percent for Comprehensive Workforce Development Support; 26 percent for Youth Gun Violence Prevention and Reduction; 26 percent for Supporting, Securing, and Stabilizing Housing for High-Risk Populations; ten percent for Emer | Failed of Adoption | Fail |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 34. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Albi, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati and any other organization tasked with evaluating applications for the City’s human services funding in FY 2026 to include an Impact Award that addresses food insecurity as part of the City’s broader gun violence prevention priority. | Passed Emergency | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Albi, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati and any other organization tasked with evaluating applications for the City’s human services funding in FY 2026 to include an Impact Award that addresses food insecurity as part of the City’s broader gun violence prevention priority. | Emergency clause to remain | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Albi, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, ADVISING the United Way of Greater Cincinnati and any other organization tasked with evaluating applications for the City’s human services funding in FY 2026 to include an Impact Award that addresses food insecurity as part of the City’s broader gun violence prevention priority. | Suspension of the three readings | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 35. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (B VERSION) (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer of $10,000 within the General Fund from Councilmember Owens’ General Fund personnel operating budget account no. 050x025x7100 to Councilmember Owens’ General Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x025x7200 to realign the office budget for Councilmember Owens. | Passed Emergency | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (B VERSION) (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer of $10,000 within the General Fund from Councilmember Owens’ General Fund personnel operating budget account no. 050x025x7100 to Councilmember Owens’ General Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x025x7200 to realign the office budget for Councilmember Owens. | Emergency clause to remain | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (B VERSION) (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Owens, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer of $10,000 within the General Fund from Councilmember Owens’ General Fund personnel operating budget account no. 050x025x7100 to Councilmember Owens’ General Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x025x7200 to realign the office budget for Councilmember Owens. | Suspension of the three readings | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 36. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE, submitted by Councilmember Jeffreys, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, MODIFYING the provisions of Title XI, “Cincinnati Building Code,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by ORDAINING new Chapter 1125, “Vacant Building Registration,” to provide a system for the registration of vacant buildings in the City, and MODIFYING Chapter 1501, “Code Compliance and Hearings,” by AMENDING Section 1501-3, “Class A Civil Offenses” and Section 1501-9(b), “Class D Civil Offenses” to correct a clerical error and add violations of Section 1125-17 to Section 1501-3 and Section 1501-9(b). | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE, submitted by Councilmember Jeffreys, from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, MODIFYING the provisions of Title XI, “Cincinnati Building Code,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by ORDAINING new Chapter 1125, “Vacant Building Registration,” to provide a system for the registration of vacant buildings in the City, and MODIFYING Chapter 1501, “Code Compliance and Hearings,” by AMENDING Section 1501-3, “Class A Civil Offenses” and Section 1501-9(b), “Class D Civil Offenses” to correct a clerical error and add violations of Section 1125-17 to Section 1501-3 and Section 1501-9(b). | Suspension of the three readings | Pass |
Action details
Not available