Meeting Name: Cincinnati City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 10/6/2021 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Room 300
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
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202102872 11.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Susan Thomas to the Housing Advisory Board for a term of four years. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its rules. (Female/White)ConfirmedPass Action details Not available
202102879 12.AppointmentAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby appoint Carl Hunt to the OTR South Special Improvement District (SID) Board to fill the unexpired term of Christian Gill. This appointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its rules. (Male/AA)ConfirmedPass Action details Not available
202102904 13.ReappointmentREAPPOINTMENT, submitted by Mayor John Cranley, I hereby reappoint Paul Sylvester to the Cincinnati Southern Railway Board of Trustees for a term of five years. This reappointment is submitted to City Council for its advice and consent pursuant to its Rules. (Male/White).Held one week pursuant to rule of council  Action details Not available
202102885 14.OrdinanceORDINANCE, dated 9/29/2021, submitted by Councilmember Kearney, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, DECLARING that Southern Avenue in Mt. Auburn hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of “Rebecca Nored Avenue,” in memory of Mrs. Rebecca Nored and in recognition of her many contributions to the City of Cincinnati.Referred to Neighborhoods Committee  Action details Not available
202102893 15.MotionMOTION, (AMENDED), submitted by Councilmember Kearney, Goodin and Sundermann, WE MOVE that the Administration REPORT on a viable source of funding for the $300,000 needed for the Department of Transportation and Engineering to install a high friction surface at the curve in the road need the 2200 block of Harrison Avenue in June 2022. WE MOVE that the ordinance language be amended to include and additional $69,000 for the purpose of fulfilling the administration’s proposed “recommended countermeasures.” The additional countermeasures to the ordinance are as follows: $2,000 for the purpose of “Improved Streetlighting.” This would allow DOTEE to add a new light pole to the street. $1,000 for “Additional Signage” to be installed to help drivers navigate the roadway. $1,000 to replace existing signage with new higher reflective signage. This upgraded/updated signage countermeasures totals $2,000. $15,000 for the purpose of restriping road markings to improve visibility, $50,000 for “Raise Pavement Markings” (RPMs) to increase visibility at night and in wet weather, as well as to replReferred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202102894 16.MotionMOTION, submitted by Councilmember Keating, WE MOVE that the administration prepare a REPORT on the steps the administration could take to strengthen the institutional safeguards to ensure there are no future errors to ballot language. For example, the imposition of a city deadline to initiative charter amendments, engagement with the petitioners, or communication with the Board of Elections to better understand their review process in their role as the agency that approves and sets ballot language.Referred to Education, Innovation & Growth Committee  Action details Not available
202102886 17.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), dated 9/30/2021, submitted by Vice Mayor Smitherman, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, DECLARING that Rockdale Avenue at Washington Avenue shall hereby receive the honorary, secondary name of Lynwood L. Battle, Jr. Place, in memory of Lynwood L. Battle, in recognition of his selfless service to the Cincinnati community and his leadership in promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality.Referred to Neighborhoods Committee  Action details Not available
202102835 18.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021 submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for YUEL LLC, DBA PADDOCK ROAD BEER DRIVE THRU, 5005 Paddock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. (#9862746, C2, C2X, D6, TRANSFER) [Objections: NONE]Filed  Action details Not available
202102858 19.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021 submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for AVALANCHE VENTURES LLC, DBA AVALANCHE CREPES & WAFFLES, 160 McMillian Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219. (#0336307, D3, NEW) [Objections: NONE]Filed  Action details Not available
202102864 110.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, regarding Special Event Permit Application for FIFA WORLD CUP COMMITTEE BLOCK PARTY AT THE BANKS.Filed  Action details Not available
202102873 111.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, regarding Department of Finance Reports for the Month Ended July 31, 2021Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202102874 112.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021 submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for JEBRIL LLC, DBA AVONDALE DRIVE THRU, 3016 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206. (#4270082, C1, C2, D6, TRANSFER) [Objections: NONE]Filed  Action details Not available
202102875 113.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021 submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on a communication from the State of Ohio, Division of Liquor Control, advising of a permit application for GOODFELLAS PLEASANT RIDGE LLC, 6099 Montgomery Road, 2nd FL Patio, Cincinnati, Ohio 45213. (#3726220, D5J, D6, TRANSFER) [Objections: NONE]Filed  Action details Not available
202102888 114.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 10/6/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for a grant in the amount of up to $5,000,000 from the Highway Safety Improvement Program, as awarded by the Ohio Department of Transportation, for the purpose of providing resources for the Ludlow Avenue Safety Improvement project, which includes right-sizing Ludlow Avenue from Central Parkway to Whitfield Avenue, reducing vehicle lanes to add on-street bicycle facilities, reconfiguring intersections, and various other pedestrian safety improvements.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202102889 115.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 10/6/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept in-kind donations from the Cincinnati Parks Foundation of park supplies and contracted services valued at approximately $50,099 to benefit and improve various City parks.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202102890 116.ReportREPORT, dated 10/6/2021, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, regarding Tax Incentive Review Council status of property tax agreements for Year End 2020.Referred to Budget & Finance Committee  Action details Not available
202102896 117.StatementSTATEMENT, submitted by the Clerk of Council formally filing a copy of the Financial Disclosure Statement for Chris Seelbach/Councilmember/President Pro Tem. (ETHICS)Filed  Action details Not available
202102882 118.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), dated 9/30/2021, submitted by Councilmember Sundermann, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, AMENDING Ordinance No. 347-2021, passed by Council on September 1, 2021, that submitted to the electors of the City of Cincinnati an amendment to the Charter of the City of Cincinnati, to replace the phrase “median family income” with “median household income” as the limit on compensation for members of Council in accordance with the language on the ballot petitions, and to clarify Council’s intent that the petition language take precedence as to the discrepancy in the ballot summary language and ordinance.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102882 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), dated 9/30/2021, submitted by Councilmember Sundermann, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, AMENDING Ordinance No. 347-2021, passed by Council on September 1, 2021, that submitted to the electors of the City of Cincinnati an amendment to the Charter of the City of Cincinnati, to replace the phrase “median family income” with “median household income” as the limit on compensation for members of Council in accordance with the language on the ballot petitions, and to clarify Council’s intent that the petition language take precedence as to the discrepancy in the ballot summary language and ordinance.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102882 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), dated 9/30/2021, submitted by Councilmember Sundermann, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, AMENDING Ordinance No. 347-2021, passed by Council on September 1, 2021, that submitted to the electors of the City of Cincinnati an amendment to the Charter of the City of Cincinnati, to replace the phrase “median family income” with “median household income” as the limit on compensation for members of Council in accordance with the language on the ballot petitions, and to clarify Council’s intent that the petition language take precedence as to the discrepancy in the ballot summary language and ordinance.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102812 119.ReportREPORT, dated 9/22/2021, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, regarding City roadway improvements and traffic calming in the FY 2022 Budget. (SEE DOC. #202102165)Approved & Filed  Action details Not available
202102830 120.MotionMOTION, (B-VERSION), dated 10/04/2021, submitted by Councilmember Kearney, WE MOVE for the City Administration to extend the current parking amnesty period for unpaid parking tickets incurred within the City of Cincinnati to December 31, 2021. The amount owed during this amnesty extension will include only the original parking ticket cost and no additional penalties or fees. WE FURTHER MOVE that all unpaid parking tickets incurred within the City of Cincinnati are eligible for the amnesty described above regardless of when the parking ticket was issued, or the number of parking tickets issued to any individual. WE FURTHER MOVE for the City Administration to report to City Council the date collected pertaining to the amnesty period extension including amount of funds collected.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
202102839 121.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the payment of $7,794.92 as a moral obligation to Ernest Industries, doing business as Kelly-Creswell, for outstanding charges incurred for the repair of line-striping equipment for the Traffic and Road Operations Division; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to make payment of $7,794.92 to Ernest Industries from the Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund Traffic and Road Operations non-personnel operating budget account no. 301x252x6000x7259.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102839 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the payment of $7,794.92 as a moral obligation to Ernest Industries, doing business as Kelly-Creswell, for outstanding charges incurred for the repair of line-striping equipment for the Traffic and Road Operations Division; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to make payment of $7,794.92 to Ernest Industries from the Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund Traffic and Road Operations non-personnel operating budget account no. 301x252x6000x7259.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102839 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the payment of $7,794.92 as a moral obligation to Ernest Industries, doing business as Kelly-Creswell, for outstanding charges incurred for the repair of line-striping equipment for the Traffic and Road Operations Division; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to make payment of $7,794.92 to Ernest Industries from the Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund Traffic and Road Operations non-personnel operating budget account no. 301x252x6000x7259.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102840 122.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the payment of $57,000 as a moral obligation to The Ohio State University, doing business as the Ohio Academic Resources Network, for internet services and connectivity to the remote data center as part of the City’s disaster recovery solution, and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to make payment of $57,000 to the Ohio Academic Resources Network from the General Fund non-departmental Enterprise Software and Licenses non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x952x4500x7212.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102840 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the payment of $57,000 as a moral obligation to The Ohio State University, doing business as the Ohio Academic Resources Network, for internet services and connectivity to the remote data center as part of the City’s disaster recovery solution, and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to make payment of $57,000 to the Ohio Academic Resources Network from the General Fund non-departmental Enterprise Software and Licenses non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x952x4500x7212.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102840 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the payment of $57,000 as a moral obligation to The Ohio State University, doing business as the Ohio Academic Resources Network, for internet services and connectivity to the remote data center as part of the City’s disaster recovery solution, and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to make payment of $57,000 to the Ohio Academic Resources Network from the General Fund non-departmental Enterprise Software and Licenses non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x952x4500x7212.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102841 123.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept an in-kind donation from the Candace Bates State Farm Agency of 25 carbon monoxide units valued at up to $500 for use by the Cincinnati Fire Department.PassedPass Action details Not available
202102841 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept an in-kind donation from the Candace Bates State Farm Agency of 25 carbon monoxide units valued at up to $500 for use by the Cincinnati Fire Department.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102842 124.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement with Condor Air, Ltd. pursuant to which the company will renew its leasehold interest at Lunken Airport for up to an additional twenty years.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102842 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement with Condor Air, Ltd. pursuant to which the company will renew its leasehold interest at Lunken Airport for up to an additional twenty years.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102842 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement with Condor Air, Ltd. pursuant to which the company will renew its leasehold interest at Lunken Airport for up to an additional twenty years.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102843 125.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement with Brewing Arts, LLC, pursuant to which the City will lease for a five-year term an above grade portion of the excess right of way located north of Blue Rock Street, and between Cherry Street and Turrill Street, in the Northside neighborhood.PassedPass Action details Not available
202102843 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement with Brewing Arts, LLC, pursuant to which the City will lease for a five-year term an above grade portion of the excess right of way located north of Blue Rock Street, and between Cherry Street and Turrill Street, in the Northside neighborhood.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102844 126.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant”; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate grant resources in an amount of up to $400,000 from Bloomberg Philanthropies into the newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant,” for the purpose of implementing a biochar production facility; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of local matching resources from the unappropriated surplus of Urban Forestry Fund 428 in the amount of $100,000 to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant.”Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102844 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant”; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate grant resources in an amount of up to $400,000 from Bloomberg Philanthropies into the newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant,” for the purpose of implementing a biochar production facility; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of local matching resources from the unappropriated surplus of Urban Forestry Fund 428 in the amount of $100,000 to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant.”Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102844 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant”; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate grant resources in an amount of up to $400,000 from Bloomberg Philanthropies into the newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant,” for the purpose of implementing a biochar production facility; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of local matching resources from the unappropriated surplus of Urban Forestry Fund 428 in the amount of $100,000 to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x203x222004, “Biochar Replication Bloomberg Grant.”Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102845 127.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in an amount of up to $75,000 from the Cincinnati Recreation Foundation, from funds made available through the ESPN RePlay program, for the purpose of renovating underutilized recreation spaces in Avondale as part of the 2021 Community Makeover program; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant funds into Recreation Special Activities Fund revenue account no. 323x8571x199Q876, “2021 Community Makeover.”Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102845 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in an amount of up to $75,000 from the Cincinnati Recreation Foundation, from funds made available through the ESPN RePlay program, for the purpose of renovating underutilized recreation spaces in Avondale as part of the 2021 Community Makeover program; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant funds into Recreation Special Activities Fund revenue account no. 323x8571x199Q876, “2021 Community Makeover.”Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102845 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in an amount of up to $75,000 from the Cincinnati Recreation Foundation, from funds made available through the ESPN RePlay program, for the purpose of renovating underutilized recreation spaces in Avondale as part of the 2021 Community Makeover program; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant funds into Recreation Special Activities Fund revenue account no. 323x8571x199Q876, “2021 Community Makeover.”Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102848 128.Legislative ResolutionRESOLUTION (LEGISLATIVE) (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, DECLARING by legislative resolution the necessity of the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102848 1 Legislative ResolutionRESOLUTION (LEGISLATIVE) (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, DECLARING by legislative resolution the necessity of the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102848 1 Legislative ResolutionRESOLUTION (LEGISLATIVE) (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, DECLARING by legislative resolution the necessity of the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102850 129.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, DETERMINING to proceed with the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102850 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, DETERMINING to proceed with the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102850 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, DETERMINING to proceed with the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102851 130.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, LEVYING special assessments for the purpose of the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102851 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, LEVYING special assessments for the purpose of the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102851 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, LEVYING special assessments for the purpose of the special assessment project at 3634-3638 Madison Road in the City of Cincinnati involving the City of Cincinnati, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102853 131.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AMENDING Ordinance No. 0388-2020 to correct the designated fund in which the Director of Finance is authorized to deposit proceeds received in connection with the grant of an easement authorized by said ordinance.Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102853 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AMENDING Ordinance No. 0388-2020 to correct the designated fund in which the Director of Finance is authorized to deposit proceeds received in connection with the grant of an easement authorized by said ordinance.Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102853 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 9/29/2021, AMENDING Ordinance No. 0388-2020 to correct the designated fund in which the Director of Finance is authorized to deposit proceeds received in connection with the grant of an easement authorized by said ordinance.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102887 132.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 10/4/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to solicit and accept donations of money, in-kind contributions, and other things of value from the Cincinnati business community, individual benefactors, and other appropriate sources for the purpose of providing resources to support the 2021 Young Leaders Academy; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit donated funds to the City of Cincinnati for the 2021 Young Leaders Academy into Fund No. 314, “Special Events.”Passed EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102887 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 10/4/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to solicit and accept donations of money, in-kind contributions, and other things of value from the Cincinnati business community, individual benefactors, and other appropriate sources for the purpose of providing resources to support the 2021 Young Leaders Academy; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit donated funds to the City of Cincinnati for the 2021 Young Leaders Academy into Fund No. 314, “Special Events.”Emergency clause to remainPass Action details Not available
202102887 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 10/4/2021, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to solicit and accept donations of money, in-kind contributions, and other things of value from the Cincinnati business community, individual benefactors, and other appropriate sources for the purpose of providing resources to support the 2021 Young Leaders Academy; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit donated funds to the City of Cincinnati for the 2021 Young Leaders Academy into Fund No. 314, “Special Events.”Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102895 133.OrdinanceORDINANCE, dated 10/4/2021, submitted by Councilmembers Landsman and Mann, from Andrew W. Garth, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer of $95,336.23 from the General Fund balance sheet reserve account no. 050x2580, “Reserve for Weather Related Events, Other Emergency and One-Time Needs,” to the unappropriated surplus of General Fund 050; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of $95,336.23 from the program project account no 980x232x222383, “Pedestrian Safety Improvements,” for the purpose of providing additional resources for pedestrian safety projects proposed by City Council and recommended by the City Administration.PassedPass Action details Not available
202102895 1 OrdinanceORDINANCE, dated 10/4/2021, submitted by Councilmembers Landsman and Mann, from Andrew W. Garth, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer of $95,336.23 from the General Fund balance sheet reserve account no. 050x2580, “Reserve for Weather Related Events, Other Emergency and One-Time Needs,” to the unappropriated surplus of General Fund 050; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of $95,336.23 from the program project account no 980x232x222383, “Pedestrian Safety Improvements,” for the purpose of providing additional resources for pedestrian safety projects proposed by City Council and recommended by the City Administration.Suspension of the three readingsPass Action details Not available
202102912 134.CommunicationCOMMUNICATION, submitted by Councilmember Kearney, from Nupur Anand, regarding her public comments concerning the Hindu Society.Filed  Action details Not available