| 1 | 1. | Motion | MOTION submitted by Councilmember Mann, WE MOVE that the City review recent unlawful use of fireworks during the July 4th holiday period and recommend steps to reduce such activity in the future. Recommendations might include improved local and/or state legislation and a better and more coordinated educational and enforcement effort. (STATEMENT ATTACHED) | Referred to CM for a Report | Pass |
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| 1 | 2. | Motion | MOTION dated 7/28/2020 submitted by Councilmember Landsman, when residents call 911 with an emergency, call-takers currently have two options for dispatch: Police and Fire. However, many calls that got dispatched to Police are focused on citizens experiencing homelessness, addiction or those with mental and behavioral health issues. Other cities have improved safety and saved money for taxpayers by adding alternative options for call-takers and we should pursue similar approaches. (BALANCE OF MOTION ON FILE IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE) | Adopt | Pass |
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| 1 | 3. | Motion | MOTION, submitted by Councilmember Landsman, The Citizen Complaint Authority (CCA) is at the heart of the Collaborative Agreement but it faces two major challenges. The CCA has been understaffed and the submitted complaints are not being investigated and responded to in a timely manner. At one point, the CCA had a backlog of over 100 cases, including many excessive use-of-force complaints. Secondly, new data and reporting suggest that when the CCA does submit to the Administration and the Cincinnati Public Department (CPD), their findings and recommendations for the cases they have investigated appear to be largely ignored. (BALANCE OF MOTION ON FILE IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE) | Adopt | Pass |
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| 2 | | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) AUTHORIZING the transfer and return to the unappropriated surplus of General Fund 050 the sum of up to $260,000 from the Department of Transportation and Engineering’s Fund 455 “Streetcar Operations” non-personnel operating budget account no. 455x236x7200, the exact amount which will be determined by the revenue generated by fares for the Cincinnati Bell Connector collected during Fiscal Year 2021; AUTHORIZING the appropriation of up to $260,000 from the unappropriated surplus of General Fund 050 to the Cincinnati Police Department’s General Fund personnel operating budget account no. 050x222x7100 for the purpose of providing additional police visibility overtime for crime hotspots, the exact amount which will be determined by the revenue generated by fares for the Cincinnati Bell Connector collected during Fiscal Year 2021; and AUTHORIZING the appropriation of the sum of up to $260,000 from the unappropriated surplus of Fund 455 “Streetcar Operations” to the Department of Transportation and Engineering’s non-personnel operating budget account no. 455x236x7200 f | Recommend Passage Emergency | Fail |
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Not available
| 1 | | Presentation | PRESENTATION, submitted by Vice Mayor Smitherman from Colonel Eliot K. Isaac, Cincinnati Police Chief entitled Violent Crime Update January 01- August 31, 2020. | Filed | |
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Not available
| 1 | | Presentation | PRESENTATION, submitted by Vice Mayor Smitherman from Victor Garcia, M.D., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. | Filed | |
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Not available
| 1 | | Presentation | PRESENTATION, submitted by Vice Mayor Smitherman from Iris Roley, Community Activist. | Filed | |
Action details
Not available