| 1 | 1. | Motion | MOTION, submitted by Councilmember Walsh, WE MOVE that the Administration provide a report within 30 days, or before the held fee adjustments (item # 202402562) are considered by Council, on the rationale and impacts of the fee adjustments for planning-related services. (STATEMENT ATTACHED) | Adopt | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Report | REPORT, dated 12/18/2024, submitted Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding moving the Bomb Squad Out of the Mill Creek Corridor. (Reference Document # 202401577) | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Report | REPORT, dated 1/8/2025, submitted Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding the Finance and Budget Monitoring Report for the Period Ending October 31, 2024. | Approve & File | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | Ordinance | REPORT, dated 1/8/2025, submitted Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, regarding Appointing Representatives to the Board of Directors of Organizations Receiving City Funding. (Ref. Doc. # 202401578) | Filed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 12/18/2024, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for and accept a grant of in-kind services valued at up to $46,800 from the Ohio Community Development Corporation Association AmeriCorps VISTA Project through the Corporation for National and Community Service to provide one full-time contracted position to carry out key portions of the 2023 Green Cincinnati Plan. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 12/18/2024, ESTABLISHING new permanent improvement project account no. 758x164x251631, “West Fork Incinerator Demolition - GF,” to provide resources to the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority (“the Port”) to remediate the West Fork Incinerator site; AUTHORIZING the transfer and return to source of $1,000,000 from capital improvement program project account no. 980x104x251029, “Green Cincinnati Sustainability Initiatives - GF,” to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund; AUTHORIZING the transfer and return to source of $562,000 from capital improvement program project account no. 980x164x251623, “Property Development Improvements - GF,” to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of $1,562,000 from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to newly established permanent improvement project account no. 758x164x251631, “West Fork Incinerator Demolition - GF,” to provide resources to the Port to remediate the West Fork Incinerator site. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 1/8/2025, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant of up to $100,000 from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Youth Climate Action Fund to Environment and Sustainability Fund 436 to continue funding the Cincinnati Youth Climate Action Program; and AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit grant revenues into Environment and Sustainability Fund 436 revenue account no. 436x8571. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 1/8/2025, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x252347, “Ped Safety ODOT FY25 Grant PID 119754,” to implement pedestrian safety at six locations throughout the City (the “PID 119754 projects”); AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a Highway Safety Improvement Program Systemic Safety grant awarded by the Ohio Department of Transportation (“ODOT”) of up to $981,000 to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x252347, “Ped Safety ODOT FY25 Grant PID 119754”; AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit the grant resources into capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x252347, “Ped Safety ODOT FY25 Grant PID 119754”; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to enter into a Local Public Agency agreement with ODOT to complete the PID 119754 projects; and AUTHORIZING the City Manager to do all things necessary to cooperate with the Director of ODOT to complete the pedestrian safety PID 119754 projects. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 12/18/2024, AUTHORIZING a payment of $32,046.46 to PowerDMS, Inc. (Innovative Data Solutions, Inc.) from Cincinnati Recreation Commission non-personnel operating account no. 323x199x1910x7418 as a moral obligation for outstanding charges related to software subscription services. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 12/18/2024, AUTHORIZING the payment of $10,816.14 from Department of Economic Inclusion Special Events Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 314x281x0000x7299 as a moral obligation to Xavier University for outstanding charges related to the 2024 Business Enterprise Expo. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 1/8/2025, AUTHORIZING the payment of $42,918.38 from Department of Transportation and Engineering capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x5000x7666x192367, “Maintenance Fund for Bridges 2017-2021,” to Michael Baker International, Inc. for charges related to the inspection of the Western Hills Viaduct, pursuant to the attached then and now certificate from the Director of Finance. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | Legislative Resolution | RESOLUTION (LEGISLATIVE) (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 12/18/2024, DECLARING the intent to appropriate to public use certain real-property interests necessary to restructure a portion of Yoast Avenue and Saffer Street with a new horizontal and vertical alignment, to construct a mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall along said roadways, and replace portions of the water main and storm sewer system in order to alleviate periodic flooding and erosion concerns in or near said roadways, and to replace and upgrade resident access to the roadway and upgrade traffic control signage in conjunction with the aforementioned flooding and erosion control work. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 12/18/2024, APPROPRIATING to public use certain real property interests necessary to restructure a portion of Yoast Avenue and Saffer Street with a new horizontal and vertical alignment, to construct a mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall along said roadways, and replace portions of the water main and storm sewer system in order to alleviate periodic flooding and erosion concerns in or near said roadways, and to replace and upgrade resident access to the roadway and upgrade traffic control signage in conjunction with the aforementioned flooding and erosion control work. | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Sheryl M. M. Long, City Manager, on 1/6/2025, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x104x251061, “Green Cincinnati Sustainability Initiatives,” to provide resources to implement capital improvements that advance the goals of the City’s 2023 Green Cincinnati Plan; AUTHORIZING the transfer and return of $250,000 to source Income Tax Permanent Improvement Fund 758 from permanent improvement program project account no. 758x104x251060, “Green Project Workforce Development - GFCO,” to realign sources with uses; AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of $250,000 from the unappropriated surplus of Income Tax Permanent Improvement Fund 758 to newly established capital improvement program project account no. 980x104x251061, “Green Cincinnati Sustainability Initiatives,” to realign sources with uses; AUTHORIZING the transfer and return of $250,000 to source General Fund 050 from capital improvement program project account no. 980x104x251029, “Green Cincinnati Sustainability Initiatives - GF,” to realign sources with uses; AU | Recommend Passage Emergency | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | Ordinance | ORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Councilmember Parks from Emily Smart Woerner, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer of $2,800 within the General Fund from President Pro Tem Parks’ General Fund personnel operating budget account no. 050x027x7100 to President Pro Tem Parks’ General Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x027x7200 to realign the office budget for President Pro Tem Parks. | Recommend Passage | |
Action details
Not available