Meeting Name: Major Projects & Smart Government (inactive) Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 12/7/2021 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Room 300
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
202103108 11.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 11/17/2021, MODIFYING Section 401-81, “Charges to Political Subdivisions,” of Chapter 401, “Water Works,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code to clarify the months during which the Summer rate and Winter Rate for charges to political subdivisions are applicable.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202103131 12.ReportREPORT, dated 12/1/2021, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, regarding CUF parking proposal recommendations. (SEE DOC. #202000809)Filed  Action details Not available
202103132 13.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 12/1/2021, MODIFYING the salary range schedule for the classification of City Planning Director by amending existing Section 490, Division 5, of Chapter 307 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code in order to establish a new salary range schedule for said classification.Recommend Passage EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202102322 14.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, on 6/23/2021, MODIFYING the provisions of Title VII, “Business Regulations” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by ORDAINING new Chapter 811, “e-Scooter Rental Franchises,” and AMENDING Section 1501-9, “Class D Civil Offenses,” of Title XV, “Code Compliance and Hearings,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code to establish e-scooter rental franchises for the rental of e-scooters in the City of Cincinnati.indefinite postponement  Action details Not available
202103226 15.OrdinanceORDINANCE, (EMERGENCY) (B-VERSION), dated 12/02/2021, submitted by Councilmember Mann, from Andrew W. Garth, City Solicitor, MODIFYING the provisions of Title VII, “Business Regulations,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by Ordaining new Chapter 811, “e-Scooter Rental Franchises,” and AMENDING Section 1501-9, “Class D Civil Offenses,” of Title XV, “Code Compliance and Hearings,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code to establish e-scooters in the City of Cincinnati.Recommend Passage EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202103260 16.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) (C VERSION) dated December 7, 2021, submitted by Councilmember Mann, MODIFYING the provisions of Title VII, “Business Regulations,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by ORDAINING new Chapter 811, “e-Scooter Rental Franchises,” and AMENDING Section 1507-9, “Class D Civil Offenses,” of Title XV, “Code Compliance and Hearings,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code to establish e-scooter rental franchises for the rental of e-scooters in the City of Cincinnati.Recommend Passage EmergencyPass Action details Not available
202103258 17.ReportREPORT, dated 12/7/2021, submitted by Paula Boggs Muething, City Manager, regarding e-scooters in dense areas of Cincinnati. (SEE DOC. #202102821)Filed  Action details Not available