Meeting Name: Budget and Finance Committee Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 8/1/2022 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Room 300
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
202201628 11.ReportREPORT, dated 8/1/2022, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, regarding a recommended process to facilitate City Council in establishing priorities and processes for deploying funding available through the fiscal year (FY) 2022 carryover process.Filed  Action details Not available
202201495 12.OrdinanceORDINANCE submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 6/29/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Partial Release of Water Main Right of Way Easement for partial release of the water main right of way easement across the real properties located at 2940 Disney Street, 2900 Disney Street, 2910 Disney Street, 3011 Jared Ellis Drive, and 3033 Jared Ellis Drive in the Oakley neighborhood of Cincinnati to facilitate development on the properties, while retaining the water main easement rights over the unreleased property.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201599 13.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Grant of Easement in favor of Fountain Place, LLC, pursuant to which the City of Cincinnati will grant an easement for an access ramp upon a portion of Fifth Street in the Central Business District.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201598 14.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement with Fountain Place, LLC, pursuant to which the City will lease a portion of Convention Way west of Vine Street in the Central Business District for a term of up to thirty years.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201591 15.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AMENDING Ordinance No. 228-2012 passed by City Council on June 20, 2012, as previously amended by Ordinance No. 246-2013, Ordinance No. 179-2014, Ordinance No. 272-2015, Ordinance No. 268-2016, Ordinance No. 213-2017, Ordinance No. 244-2018, Ordinance No. 321-2019, Ordinance No. 270-2020 and Ordinance No. 311-2021, for the purpose of reducing those special assessments levied and to be collected in 2023 (with tax year 2022 property taxes) based upon a report of the administrator for bonds issued by the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority related to the Oakley Station development project.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201606 16.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, ESTABLISHING new capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x232364, “River Road Rehab (PID 110413) Grant,” for the purpose of providing resources for the River Road Rehabilitation (HAM-50-10.53 PID 110413) project (the “River Road Project”), which will rehabilitate River Road from Dart Street to Anderson Ferry Road; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate grant resources in the amount of up to $2,150,000 from Federal Highway Administration funding (ALN 20.205), administered by the Ohio Department of Transportation (“ODOT”), to newly created capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x232364, “River Road Rehab (PID 110413) Grant,” for the purpose of providing resources for the River Road Project; AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit grant resources into capital improvement program project account no. 980x233x232364, “River Road Rehab (PID 110413) Grant”; AUTHORIZING the City Manager to enter into a Local Public Agency Agreement with the Director of ODOT to completRecommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201605 17.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for grants awarded by the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority Transit Infrastructure Fund for the purpose of ensuring the timely completion of various public infrastructure projects throughout the City.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201604 18.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate the 2022 Pilot Program of Demonstration Projects for Destinations Serving Youth Grant in an amount up to $10,000 from the National Center for Safe Routes to School program through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x232383, “Pedestrian Safety Improvements,” for the purpose of providing resources for the construction of quick-build curb extensions on Linn Street, adjacent to the Lincoln Recreation Center in the West End neighborhood; AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit the grant resources into capital improvement program project account no. 980x232x232383, “Pedestrian Safety Improvements”; and AUTHORIZING the City Manager to do all things necessary and to execute any agreements necessary for the receipt and administration of these grant resources.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201622 19.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for financial assistance from the Ohio Department of Transportation for transit purposes under the Ohio Urban Transit Program for state fiscal year 2023.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201608 110.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for grant resources in an amount of up to $200,000,000 awarded by the United States Department of Transportation through the 2022 Bridge Investment Program (ALN 20.205) to provide resources for the construction of the Western Hills Viaduct.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201623 111.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in the amount of up to $591,655, effective FY 2023, from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, through the FY 2022 Homeland Security Grant Program, Urban Area Security Initiative (ALN 97.067), for the purpose of providing funding for clothing, communications equipment, physical barriers, and license plate reader mobile cameras for the Cincinnati Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics team and Civil Disturbance Response Team; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant resources into Law Enforcement Grant Fund 368, Project Account No. 22UASI.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201595 112.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in an amount up to $60,000 from the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Ohio Traffic Safety Office, for the purpose of providing funds for the FY 2023 Impaired Driving Enforcement Program (IDEP), ALN 20.608; and AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit the grant funds into Law Enforcement Grant Fund 368, Account No. 22IDEP.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201624 113.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program grant of up to $60,000, from the State of Ohio Department of Public Safety, Ohio Traffic Safety Office, for the purpose of funding a program to reduce deaths and injuries resulting from vehicular accidents due to speeding, loss of control, restraint violations, operating a vehicle under the influence, and high visibility enforcement efforts to reduce fatal accidents; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant resources into Law Enforcement Grant Fund 368, Project Account No. 22STEP.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201600 114.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in an amount up to $289,158 from the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Local Solicitation (ALN 16.738); and further AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit the grant funds into Justice Assistance Grant Fund 478, project account no. 22JAG.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201607 115.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in the amount of $50,000 from Interact for Health for the purpose of reducing youth vaping among Walnut Hills and Western Hills students as an alternative to suspension and cessation; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant funds into Public Health Research Fund 350x8571.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201625 116.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in the amount of $319,631 from the Get Vaccinated OHIO Public Health Initiative for the purpose of supporting activities that will increase immunization rates in children under two years of age, school aged children, and adolescents; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant funds into Public Health Research Fund 350x8571.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201621 117.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant in the amount of $20,000 from the National Association of County and City Health Officials for the purpose of providing one-on-one technical assistance to the Cincinnati Health Department to translate “Strengthening Capacity in Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention for Local Health Departments” results into actionable guidance to improve internal capacity for addressing the intersection of suicide, overdose, and adverse childhood experiences; and further AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to deposit the grant funds into Public Health Research Fund 350x8571.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201610 118.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/2/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to apply for, accept, and appropriate a grant of up to $135,500 from the Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Maternal, Child and Family Health, and its “Cribs for Kids” program for the purpose of decreasing Ohio’s infant mortality rate by ensuring infants have a safe sleep environment by distributing cribs in Hamilton County and providing families with education about safe sleep practices; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the grant funds into Public Health Research Fund 350x8536.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201619 119.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager or his designee to apply for, accept and appropriate grant funds from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of up to $500,000 for the purpose of reimbursing costs incurred by the Greater Cincinnati Water Works in identifying sources of groundwater contamination, monitoring for the compounds, and evaluating treatment options of emerging contaminants, including perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, in drinking water to the Greater Cincinnati Water Works Funds 101 and 756; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit any such grant funds received into Greater Cincinnati Water Works Fund No. 101, Revenue Account No. 101x8527 and Fund No. 756, Revenue Account No. 756x8527.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201615 120.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate a donation in an amount of up to $10,000 from the Cincinnati Recreation Foundation for the purpose of providing funding support for senior programming in underrepresented communities; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the donated funds into Fund 319, “Contributions for Recreation Purposes,” revenue account no. 8571.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201617 121.OrdinanceORDINANCE, submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate a donation totaling $500,000 from the Cincinnati Park Board Commissioners’ Fund for the purpose of providing resources for horticultural supplies, maintenance contracts, salary reimbursements, Krohn Conservatory’s gift shop inventory, and other vital costs associated with running the City’s parks; and AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the funds into Parks Private Endowment and Donations Fund 430.Recommend Passage  Action details Not available
202201603 122.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the transfer and return to source of the sum of $625,000 from American Rescue Plan grant project account no. 469x101xARP017, “Neighborhood Activation Fund,” to the unappropriated surplus of Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 469; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of the sum of $625,000 from the unappropriated surplus of Local Fiscal Recovery Fund 469 to existing American Rescue Plan grant project account no. 469x101xARP028, “Neighborhood Business District Support Grants,” for the purpose of providing additional resources for a second round of direct awards to small businesses and infrastructure projects assisting small businesses in response to the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201594 123.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the payment of $21,858.94 from the non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x225x2433x7288, “General Fund Cincinnati Police Department’s Investigation’s Bureau,” as a moral obligation to Velecor LLC for IT support services provided to the Greater Cincinnati Fusion Center between January and June 2022.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201618 124.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY) submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING a payment totaling $25,783.98 to DB3 Solutions, Inc. as a moral obligation of the City of Cincinnati for janitorial services provided to the Cincinnati Police Department (“CPD”) in June 2022, from the following CPD General Fund non-personnel operating budget accounts and in the following amounts: $12,319.99 from account no. 050x222x1100x7271, $4,927.99 from account no. 050x222x1200x7271, $3,696.00 from account no. 050x222x1500x7271, $920.00 from account no 050x226x3320x7271, $1,840.00 from account no. 050x226x3610x7271, $1,080.00 from account no. 050x226x3482x7271, and $1,000 from account no. 050x222x1600x7271.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201593 125.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by Vice Mayor Kearney, from Andrew Garth, City Solicitor, AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of the sum of $5,000 from the unappropriated surplus of General Fund 050 to the City Manager’s Office General Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x101x7400 for the purpose of providing one-time resources for the Christ Temple Baptist Church summer camp program; and AUTHORIZING the transfer and appropriation of the sum of $5,000 from the unappropriated surplus of General Fund 050 to the City Manager’s Office General Fund non-personnel operating budget account no. 050x101x7400 for the purpose of providing one-time resources for 1N5.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201601 126.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, AUTHORIZING the City Manager to accept and appropriate the sum of up to $3,000,000 from the United States Department of the Treasury as provided by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act to Fund 473, “COVID-19,” City Manager’s Office non-personnel operating budget account no. 473x101x7400 for the purpose of providing reimbursement of or resources for an Emergency Rental Assistance program to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and further AUTHORIZING the Finance Director to deposit the funds in Fund 473, “COVID-19,” revenue account no. 473x8543.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available
202201616 127.OrdinanceORDINANCE (EMERGENCY), submitted by John P. Curp, Interim City Manager, on 8/1/2022, ESTABLISHING new Fund 475, “Opioid Settlement,” for receipt of funds from the OneOhio Opioid Distributor Settlement for eligible expenses pursuant to the OneOhio memorandum of understanding related to OneOhio Abatement Strategies including Community Recovery, Statewide Innovation & Recovery, and Sustainability; and AUTHORIZING the Director of Finance to accept and deposit annual settlement payments into Opioid Settlement Fund 475.Recommend Passage Emergency  Action details Not available