MOTION, dated 03/18/2021, submitted by Councilmember Mann, Budget Policy Direction to City Administration for Recommended FY 2022 General Fund Operating Budget. WE MOVE that the City administration prepare a Fiscal Year 2022 Recommended General Fund Operating Budget which respects the following policy guidelines and priorities: 1. The Fiscal Year 2022 General Fund Operating Budget must be balanced. While continuing to strive to have a structurally balanced budget, the fiscal impacts of the pandemic may necessitate the use of one-time sources to balance in Fiscal Year 2022. 2. Given the projected $30.0 million gap between General Fund revenues and expenditures, federal stimulus funds should be used to offset the projected FY 2022 operating budget deficit based on the eligible uses of funds for pandemic related expenditures and/or loss of revenue. (BALANCE OF MOTION ON FILE IN CLERKS OFFICE)